Thursday, January 30, 2014

usa: how to protect your assets from uncle sam, set up a trust with a life insurance

usa: how to  protect your assets  from uncle sam, set up a trust with a life insurance


Friday, January 24, 2014

berkshire systemic risk

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

another zattoo

twitter bashing bores, Cohen

series of articles this week on Europe high energy costs
this in spite of a strong currency and a more conservative monetary policy, 
John Kay on Immigrants. Though America is so far from bloody feudalistic Europe they have also their original sin. In Switzerland public opinion appreciates Immigrants above all for the Nati, the Swiss soccer team. Children of foreign workers, gastarbeiter, have raised this small workaholic country to the top league of the most popular game

the victims of energiewende or clean energy

alstom, siemens, rwe, eon, etc etc, learn from history, heavy industry adapts slowly to changes, light undustry is more lean and  escapes to regulatory demands when it exports going through the net holes of the  tax  system . google teaches.  favor those who put the least effort for the greatest outcome.

plender on end of emerging markets

based on barry eichengreen, incredible discovery, ;) qe affects countries with free financial markets. china ok,on the verge of becoming a developed country whereas brazil in the doldrums in spite of joe nocera praise of redistribution income policies. indeed brazilians did  manifest their dismay in the streets  during the confederation cup. yet the question is open, will ema bounce back or is China still an ema from the currency point of view? if plender is negative, mackintosh is more positive on bounceback of aud, cad and others  as long as economic growth resumes and this in spite of china focus on consumption rather than infrastructure. cny is definetively not an ema currency since it is pegged to the usd and does not act like a peripherical country prone to capital markets disruptions. notabene the incongrous views in the ft btw plender  and mak . to conclude, consumption driven demand, how different is  China from Brazil? In China they learn to save to survive, in Brazil they learn to vote in order to receive.peoplethat s the difference an economic oriented dictatorship of the people and a corrupt democracy of the people

Innovation in China, prof Stephen L Sass, emeritus scientist and global historian

The State does not make innovation , the individuals do. 

While government support for R&D is essential, innovation is typically the product of a bottom-up approach. A classic example is the letter Albert Einstein wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939, arguing that nuclear fission could be the basis of a powerful bomb, which led to the Manhattan Project.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Branson who? A British candidate to FINMA Swiss Financial authority

If British did not suceed to take over UBS helm, will  they succeed in taking control of the Swiss Financial authority? Mark Branson, a  Cambridge graduate is meant to put UBS once again in control of the Swiss Financial authority after the disgracefull mandate of their buddy Herr Haltinen to protect first and foremost the Swiss Goldman Sachs from bankrupcy.  Following this catastrophic experience an inept civil servant , Raaflaub ,  the  puppet of the incompetent  Finance Minister Wiedmer Schlumpf, was picked justifying today the return  of the UBS gang.

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