Sunday, March 04, 2007

march 07

Gold and silver

Gibt es Parallelen zu Ereignissen in früheren Jahrzehnten, die mehr waren als eine lokale Erscheinung – die Saving-and-Loans-Krise in den USA oder der Zusammenbruch des Junk-Bond-Marktes – und wie lange hatte es damals gedauert, bis der Schaden behoben war?

Parallelen gibt es durchaus. In allen Fällen wurde dem Risikoaspekt zu wenig Rechnung getragen. Deshalb kam und kommt es zu schmerzhaften Korrekturen. Der Gesundungsprozess kann lange Zeit benötigen. So hatte es bis 1993 gedauert, bis die Saving-and-Loans-Krise von 1986 ausgestanden war. Der Einfluss auf die Börsen war jedoch unbedeutend. Von Anfang 1986 bis Ende 1993 ist die US-Börse immerhin um 300% gestiegen.

L'Europe tragique et magnifique - at 50Published: March 19 2007 02:00 | Last updated: March 19 2007 02:0

Options Algorithmic Trades Give Goldman, UBS Edge Over Brokers

POSCO , Synthes, Burckhardt Compression,Axa, Allianz und Swiss Life , hsbc . MARCH OPTIONS DEADLINE .

eventually the correction came but I was not prepared , once again. the speed of the decline was faster than the last one in april 06 , the trigger was further away , china , and the reasons weaker but sufficient . I believe the market is going to jiggle but all in all will come back to challenge us again, the wildy , fiercy beast... funny enough to notice the comments of the press and the mass media , complacent with a smily happy face as per very recent , they are turning now into ugly screaming scared faces with in their front written I told you....rethoric works in finance too,and those believing in selffulfilling prophecies are trying to avert any major hysterical crisis by toning down the comments . one thing is clear , bernanke is out of control in his new position , incapable of playing the director in the symphonic orchestra , too much cacaphonies for the public , certainly he is less brilliant than his predecessor greenspan in managing and articulating the loudspeakers ...........he is a just a professor at harvard with no clue about life and the fucking public.

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