Friday, November 28, 2014
Paul gobble, reactionary Russia
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Escort to be a prestigious lawyer and defend women rights
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Obama Hagel
Hagel secretary's defence resigns bcs estranged by Obama administration on Russia and Syria. Looks like thé scenarios of unsecure president creating its inner circle to operate I never walls.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Latvia invasion scenario
Saturday, November 08, 2014
Gulags are tolerated by Russians
Boris Akunin, Provisional government ministers, how r hey died. ch we can Vladimir Nabokov
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
It has been previously reported that Russian military units dump the bodies of their dead brothers into Luhansk coal mines.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Too many black holes
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Delayed adulthood
Putini and KGB is shocked by sanctions. Thought they could buy Merkel with good gas deals.
L Europa delle città. Ulrich Beck
Friday, September 19, 2014
Russia blames London for coercing Scottish vote
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Woody allen and the meanness of life
Monday, September 15, 2014
First you kill a dissdient and former spy , then you launch your own tv program
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
russian crisis , key sentences
Не дорос народ до свободы. People are immature for freedom.
Люди выходят не против Украины — а за порядок!
Пленники сильно избиты, головы обмотаны скотчем (сильно, с чувством обмотаны, причем не совсем понятно, зачем – чтобы причинить лишнюю боль?), с них сняты брюки.
for no home, no mother.
Spirit not you be free -
we do not become you, even consolidated.
you yourself dubbed "senior" -
we would be younger, but not yours.
you so much, and sorry , faceless.
you great, we - great.
And you reap ... you all toils,
his envy you choke.
Will - you unfamiliar word,
you are a child in a chain shackled.
You Home "silence - gold",
and we harness Molotov cocktails,
yes, we have hot blood in the heart,
what do you us for the "native" blind?
And we all eyes fearless,
without weapons we dangerous.
grew and became bold
all at sniping at gunpoint.
kata We put on his knees -
we rebelled and fix everything.
And nothing hiding rat pray -
they wash their blood his.
you send new instructions -
and we've got lights uprising.
You King, we - Democracy.
Never we will be brothers.
Сравнительно небольшая часть опрошенных считала, что это группа "народных мстителей, сознательно выступивших против коррумпированной власти. 37% говорили, что это преступники и бандиты. Вне зависимости от объяснения, основная масса все-таки рассматривала их действия как показатель крайне негативного отношения к милиции, квалифицировала их нападения, как реакцию против дискредитировавшей себя и коррумпированной милиции в стране. Отношение к "партизанам" отчасти зависит от степени информированности людей. Среди молодых и образованных людей сочувствие им выражает гораздо больше населения, чем среди пожилых и менее образованных. Большинство людей рассматривало это как кризис всей системы правоохранительных органов и не знало, кого бояться больше: то ли таких народных мстителей, то ли самой милиции. Конечно, самосуд в глазах общественного мнения – это свидетельство разложения системы. Лев Гудков добавил, что на сегодняшний день большинство людей уже не следят за делом "приморских партизан" и вряд ли как-либо отреагируют на вынесенный приговор. Банда "приморских партизан" была задержана в июне 2010 года. Шестеро участников группировки были заблокированы в квартире в Уссурийске.
Сегодня в мемориальном комплексе "Змиевская балка" в Ростовской области, где в годы Второй мировой войны произошло массовое уничтожение евреев, появилась новая памятная доска с "компромиссным вариантом" текста. Раньше на табличке было написано, что "в 1942 году фашисты убили здесь 27 тысяч евреев". В 2011 году местные чиновники решили изменить содержание памятной доски – появилась новая табличка, сообщающая, что на этом месте "были уничтожены 27 тысяч советских граждан".
Дело в том, что, когда человек приходит поговорить к повстанцам, а повстанец ему отвечает: «Мою позицию вы можете узнать из СМИ», — это значит, что повстанец — фейковый. Это значит, что его протест заказан и оплачен.
На скамеечке сидели три пенсионерки, и я подошла к ним, чтобы узнать их мнение о Путине и России. Они немедленно начали его излагать. Они говорили, что молятся на Путина и что в Киеве сидят фашисты, которые травят население Донецка инфекцией и сланцевым газом. (Проповедями про отравляющий сланцевый газ занимается местная московская патриархия.) «Пишите правду! — кричали пенсионерки. — Все врут!», «В Киеве стоят войска НАТО!», «Как эти негодяи смеют нападать на самое великое — на Россию!»
В какой-то момент кто-то узнал во мне Юлию Латынину, «пятую колонну» и национал-предателя, но пенсионерок это не остановило. «Пишите: Россия святая! — кричали они. — А нас дебилами называют!», «Геноцид!», «НАТО», «Геи!», «Сланцевый газ!», «Сначала Донецкая республика, потом Луганская республика, потом Одесская республика — а потом все вместе мы вступим в Россию!»
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Latinina, geneva agreement on Ukraine total victory for Putin
remarkable historical analysis, definetively birbeck college mark, social classes in russian landscape employed for explaining current events ( a la charles tilly), concept of oligarchy, disposessed, democratic elections all put in an international perspective for the russian readers. definetively a touch of cosmopolitan intellighentsia from moscow for helas a minority as she may agree. Russia, a country still boxed into feudal hierarchies. modernisation hardly happened.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
carnap,methaphysics, language and positivism
Pseudoproblems in Philosophy asserted that many philosophical questions were meaningless, i.e., the way they were posed amounted to an abuse of language. An operational implication of this opinion was taken to be the elimination of metaphysics from responsible human discourse. This is the statement for which Carnap was best known for many years.
There he wrote the book that was to make him the most famous logical positivist and member of the Vienna Circle, his Logical Syntax of Language (Carnap 1934). In this work, Carnap advanced his Principle of Tolerance, according to which there is not any such thing as a "true" or "correct" logic or language. One is free to adopt whatever form of language is useful for one's purposes.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Thursday, April 10, 2014
the kremlin spin doctor, fond of murdered rapper Tupac, a lost soul from tchetchen origins calling for civil wars and civilian human shields to assert russian power in former
a buddy of putin. did he come up with the idea of murdering littivenko
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
double edge policy : US wont include Russian offshore accounts in FATCA making its foreign policy a ludicrous affair
Tuesday, April 08, 2014
voice opinion against unified Russia? u may end up in prison. Putin regime pushing for federal Ukraine
Friday, April 04, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
unheeded warning on Russia, Edward Lucas 2008, writing for the economist
Russia planning to move capital from Moscow to vladivostock in the east
Friday, March 28, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Russian , from an economic to a military might backed by loyalists. Following sanctions Dissent is squashed .
Russian Fleet vs American Fleet vs/ no chance to stand
about the lessons of 1914 for today. It is crucial not to drive into “dead ends”, Mr Steinmeier went on, but to create “exits”.
the most egregious kleptocratic excess can be devilishly hard to establish to the satisfaction of the courts.
offshore structures fronted by nominees, of which Russians are particularly fond
The number of properties registered to Russians understates the true total by failing to capture offshore structures fronted by nominees, of which Russians are particularly fond. Britain’s offshore satellites, in particular the British Virgin Islands, known for their secretive shell companies, do well out of this. A leading BVI lawyer says that Russian clients make up 15-20% of his business. Only the Chinese are as active. The lawyer notes that business from Russians is up slightly in recent weeks.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Chinese Platform, refuge for Russian and World cleptocrats ?
Sunday, March 23, 2014
the Honor of an Ucranian officer arrested in Crimea is the missing honor to the Russian army
Brave Ukrainian military commander of division in Belbek Mamchur Julius became a symbol of dignity, the officer's honor. And so it happened that he now checks the honor of the entire Russian army. Mamchur meanly arrested. And it could give him the honor and dignity to go to Ukraine, which he swore. During times when the officer's honor was not an empty phrase, sure, all Russian officers in the Crimea would rank and they would give outgoing Mamchur honor. And the head of the Defense Ministry has said it would supposedly be like him. officer honor But times have passed, there was only a vile anger Gopnik. And it seems to have spread all over our army.
Russian Military can not salute, Crimea Lost e.
Therefore, kidnappings and bespredelnichat.
The meaning of Gopnik in Russian slang
is A-Sub Culture Native to Russia and Post-Soviet Countries (and rather limited in numbers, in Israel ), Characterized by Aggressive Behavior, specifically Towards the Weak, A predilection to the Blat Criminal Subculture, and abuse of alcohol (specifically Beer , Vodka and "Jaguar" cocktail )
Friday, March 21, 2014
Maregarita Simonian, a sado maso defence of RT NEWS on a exclsuive free Radio, Echo of Moscow
Her platform, an open free radio, echo of Moscow
Her sources against the American babe , a news platform which has the luxury of a country allowing free press and free opinions.
Her arguemts in defence of RT News, increase paranoia, repress liberties, pluralism and anarchy.
Ultimately, the performance delivered by one of her recruits shoud have consequences on the editor, sorry on th chiedf of the babes. Will it ?
If it will be so, pls you re the most welcome to work in the free press and hopefully you will be objective rather than bitching up as you currently do. However, I am afraid you lack the skills to do so.
A pathetic article on echo of moscow showing how far she can to go to defend her work.
here below the article she refers to. free press, free elucubrations, nobody stops the journalist, nothing extraordinary in terms of content. actually quite boring
Putin - "barbarian, but not a monster,Inopressa highlights washington post article
While the actions of the Russian government have the support of the people, but if the West imposed sanctions will take effect and the Kremlin will drop a new "iron curtain", the discontent is not long to wait, the author says: "Nostalgia for the Soviet era is widespread, but millions of the middle class also appreciate the opportunity to rest in France and Turkey, love to ride on imported cars is imported food - all of this reduction will be a painful blow. Putin, especially in this moment of internal triumph must meet expectations. "
While the actions of the Russian government have the support of the people, but if the West imposed sanctions will take effect and the Kremlin will drop a new "iron curtain", the discontent is not long to wait, the author says: "Nostalgia for the Soviet era is widespread, but millions of the middle class also appreciate the opportunity to rest in France and Turkey, love to ride on imported cars is imported food - all of this reduction will be a painful blow. Putin, especially in this moment of internal triumph must meet expectations. "
To really get the attention of Putin and his entourage, the US and the EU should undertake its major "donors", says Kramer and lists them: the head of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin, head of "Gazprom" Alexey Miller, president of " Lukoil "Alekperov, Volga Group head Gennady Timchenko, Yuri Kovalchuk and Nikolai Shamalov bank" Russia ", the head of" Rosoboronexport "Chemezov.
To really get the attention of Putin and his entourage, the US and the EU should undertake its major "donors", says Kramer and lists them: the head of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin, head of "Gazprom" Alexey Miller, president of " Lukoil "Alekperov, Volga Group head Gennady Timchenko, Yuri Kovalchuk and Nikolai Shamalov Bank" Russia ", the head of" Rosoboronexport "Chemezo v.
"As long as Putin and his entourage did not pay a serious price for their actions, they are unlikely to recede and can even cause new damage, in addition to which they have already caused Ukraine" - warns Kramer.
"While Vladimir Putin - a man of the same breed, and that Stalin - ponders how to deal with the remnants of Ukraine should not forget that during the years before the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, at which the Nazis decided to genocide on an industrial scale, Stalin deliberately subjected Ukraine's genocidal famine "- writes in his article George F. Will.
In particular, the book is a description of the Ukrainian city of the famine made Welsh journalist: "At 2 am, people began to line up at the store, which opened at 7 am. Average daily bread waited 40 thousand people. People in the queue so desperately tried to keep his place, that clung to the straps vperedistoyaschego. (...) Waiting lasted all day, sometimes - for two days. (...) Suddenly, somewhere heard wailing women, which groans echoed throughout the length of the queue, so that many thousands crowd of people to make sounds like one animal experiencing spontaneous fear. "
"After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan - one more farewell to illusions - President Jimmy Carter withdrew the US ambassador, imposed an embargo on the export of wheat, stopped sharing technology, accelerated delivery of weapons to Pakistan, began helping Afghan insurgents vowed to protect Middle East oil reserves and offered long-term increase defense spending "- reminds Gerson and concludes: Barack Obama" must rise to the determination of the Carter era. "
"After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan - one more farewell to illusions - President Jimmy Carter withdrew the US ambassador, imposed an embargo on the export of wheat, stopped sharing technology, accelerated delivery of weapons to Pakistan, began helping Afghan insurgents vowed to protect Middle East oil reserves and offered long-term increase defense spending "- reminds Gerson and concludes: Barack Obama" must rise to the determination of the Carter era. "
Thursday, March 20, 2014
if history is a guide , the example of Ossetia on Crimea
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Crimean war , Figes , Religious hatred
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
8. Ettore Majorana, « Il valore delle Leggi Statistiche nella Fisica e nelle Scienze Sociali », Scientia, vol. 36, février-mars 1942, p. 58-66.
9. On lira avec profit une analyse approfondie de cet article par Vincent Bontems, intitulée « L’épistémologie transversale d’Ettore Majorana », in Revue de synthèse : tome 134, 6e série, no 1, 2013, p. 29-51
Putin Statements on the glory of Russia, the mistake of NATO on Kossovo and Bosnia and the nazi regime in Ukraine
etienne klein/ ebooks
swis real estate , end of the bubble ?
Monday, March 17, 2014
Russian path to democratic authoritarianism needs an imperial agenda
Sunday, March 16, 2014
According to Latinina, the country has lost his brain power and relies more than ever on loyal security forces. Add to this the nuclear threat and you may unbderstand where P. is heading for
Old totalitarian regimes forbade emigration. Their brains were needed in the country to create new technologies. Neototalitarnye regimes encourage emigration. Anyone who fears that the Kremlin now overlaps the border - do not be afraid, do not override. The more thoughtful people would leave Russia, the Kremlin better. Neototalitarny mode works like a giant distillation column - light, intelligent population fractions evaporate abroad, going to the bottom of the black viscous oil: lumpen, officials and security forces, support the regime - those who truly believes that enemies are everywhere.
Неототалитарный режим работает, как гигантская ректификационная колонна — легкие, интеллектуальные фракции населения улетучиваются за границу, внизу собирается вязкий черный мазут: люмпены, чиновники и силовики, опора режима — те, кто свято верит, что кругом враги.
Authoritarian regime has a powerful tool besides nuclear weapons and army: MASS MEDIA CONTROL and lies
Если еще нанять гореславских и дмитриев киселевых, чтобы они сказали, что Путин лично остановил солнце, и, соответственно, те, кто говорит, что это невозможно и что Земля вращается вокруг солнца, являются агентами проклятого Запада, то большинство населения без всякого принуждения и насилия в это поверит.
If you still hire Goreslavskaya and Dmitry Kiselev, they said that Putin personally stopped the sun, and, accordingly, those who say that this is impossible and that the earth revolves around the sun, are the agents of the cursed West, the majority of the population without any coercion and violence believe it.
but above all sovietisation is the sign of lack of political civic culture in Russia given the lack of a destalinization of the society : Ну и что, что «Архипелаг ГУЛАГ» находится в свободном доступе, если большинство его никогда не прочитает?
Saturday, March 15, 2014
rete governance
Friday, March 14, 2014
Friday, March 07, 2014
History as a tragedy then as a farce, Crimea and Lithuania
.....Russia’s ambassador to Latvia, Aleksandr Veshnyakov, said on national TV there are “no grounds” for concern that Russia may intervene militarily in the Baltics.
Putin Ucraine Orlando Figues
Should There Be One Ukraine?
Putin needs to show more restraint than hero to avoid a new Crimean war
Orlando Figes: There is no Ukraine
Monday, March 03, 2014
social psychology through broadcast of Olympic Games in the mind of a russian speaking crimean
will Switzerland freeze the Russian accounts of cleptocratic inetrests in Moscow and will it consequently risk an invasion or a nuclear attack ?
smartphone 2013
russian oppoistion and Crimean war
frammentio dalla stampa d'opposizione russa , novayagazeta :
To draw a parallel btw Economic Stagnation and Putin was simple. However this time we turned into the frost of 1968 when they decided to invade Czechoslovakia. But every era of stagnation will finish with a velvet revolution
And how quickly did we return to the Soviet rhetoric ..... It turns out that our government does not even have a different vocabulary than the Soviet one......
And an external enemy is always ready - the United States of America
Sunday, March 02, 2014
Crimean War ? No thanks, Russian invasion . Putin's misscalculation ? very likely
Я в большом восхищении от этой революции. Действительно, украинская буржуазная революция, и это впервые на наших глазах сформировалась украинская нация.
И, вот, что сейчас бандеровцы будут убивать людей в Крыму. А поскольку никакой бандеровец в Крыму человека не трогает, не совсем понятно, от чего мы спасаем Крым.
Я понимаю, что великая страна с ядерными ракетами и большой территорией не удосуживается заниматься мелкими деталями, но именно мелкие детали потом и срывают громкие замысли и проекты, которые на бумаге и на карте кажутся красивыми. В русской литературе описано собрание перед Аустерлицем, когда планировалось, что Наполеон будет бежать, но получилось наоборот, потому что не учли детали.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
olimpici game and Ukraine
il CIO Di Rogge é afflitto dai complotti orditi da potenze occulte e straniere contro la Pax Olimpica durante i giochi di Sochi. L Ucrania si é liberata dalla sua tutela, speriamo a lungo.
Yellen in the Fed minutes before 2008 crisis
eclettico renzie
i tempi che furono, che epica, che visione nell Europa aperta al mondo o il mondo ai ginocchio di questa
Friday, February 14, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
nuclear fusion test successfull
Sunday, February 09, 2014
Niels Bohr and the duality of observation transposed into Kierkergaard denial that observation reveals the inner spiritual world
Saturday, February 08, 2014
Some considerations from Etienne Klein book
Thursday, January 30, 2014
usa: how to protect your assets from uncle sam, set up a trust with a life insurance
Friday, January 24, 2014
berkshire systemic risk
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
another zattoo
twitter bashing bores, Cohen
series of articles this week on Europe high energy costs
this in spite of a strong currency and a more conservative monetary policy,
the victims of energiewende or clean energy
alstom, siemens, rwe, eon, etc etc, learn from history, heavy industry adapts slowly to changes, light undustry is more lean and escapes to regulatory demands when it exports going through the net holes of the tax system . google teaches. favor those who put the least effort for the greatest outcome.
plender on end of emerging markets
based on barry eichengreen, incredible discovery, ;) qe affects countries with free financial markets. china ok,on the verge of becoming a developed country whereas brazil in the doldrums in spite of joe nocera praise of redistribution income policies. indeed brazilians did manifest their dismay in the streets during the confederation cup. yet the question is open, will ema bounce back or is China still an ema from the currency point of view? if plender is negative, mackintosh is more positive on bounceback of aud, cad and others as long as economic growth resumes and this in spite of china focus on consumption rather than infrastructure. cny is definetively not an ema currency since it is pegged to the usd and does not act like a peripherical country prone to capital markets disruptions. notabene the incongrous views in the ft btw plender and mak . to conclude, consumption driven demand, how different is China from Brazil? In China they learn to save to survive, in Brazil they learn to vote in order to receive.peoplethat s the difference an economic oriented dictatorship of the people and a corrupt democracy of the people
Innovation in China, prof Stephen L Sass, emeritus scientist and global historian
While government support for R&D is essential, innovation is typically the product of a bottom-up approach. A classic example is the letter Albert Einstein wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939, arguing that nuclear fission could be the basis of a powerful bomb, which led to the Manhattan Project.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Branson who? A British candidate to FINMA Swiss Financial authority
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- L Europa delle città, Ulrich Beck
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- Crimean War ? No thanks, Russian invasion . Putin...
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- the victims of energiewende or clean energy
- plender on end of emerging markets
- Innovation in China, prof Stephen L Sass, emeritu...
- Branson who? A British candidate to FINMA Swiss F...