From Polonium to Crimea , Julia Latinina. Pitty novagazetaya does not give the english version of the articles of this brave journalist who may be murdered as they did with another brave woman , Anna Politkovskaya.
On July 31, 2005 Polish hooligans robbed in Warsaw the children of some Russian diplomats. The thugs were arrested, but this did not save the Poles. Putin himself vigorously responded to the incident, The mass mediai memditaely started broadvcasting writing about Polish atrocities of the Nazis, and immediately a hunting of Poles began in Moscowt. Two diplomats and a journalist were beaten but they found nobody.
What was the reaction of the international community? No reaction. Nobody found it odd that after the words of President Putin (who rarely responds to beatings and even murders of Russian citizens in Russia), a campaign of five minutes of hatred was launched in Russia followed by offences by professional thugs.
In November 2006, Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned with polonium in central London . British investigation quickly revealed that traces led to two former employees of the Russian special services: Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun.
In response, Russia started hounding the British ambassador. The pro-Kremlin "Nashi" were on duty at the embassy, barred the way of the car after, pursued him in restaurants. "Nashi" have stated that they are pursuing Ambassador Brenton for participation in "fascist meeting" - which refers to a conference of the Russian opposition.
Britons could loudly declare that the same people who organized a nuclear terrorist attack in the heart of London, the British ambassador poison "as fascist" for the fact that London was trying to investigate the attack. But instead, they were blown away. Brenton withdrew Lugovoi sits in parliament and the British authorities kindly secretive court records under the pressure of the Russian side.
Next was "Bronze Soldier". 2007. Riots in Tallinn. The attack was well organized and had nothing to do with the "spontaneous expression of the will of the crowd" - which is only one collapse Estonian sites, the most powerful DDoS attack, impossible without the complicity advance hired cybercriminals.
In fact, the main target of the attack was Palestinization speaking population of Estonia, turning it into a Russian Hamas hating country of residence. West's reaction? No. Actually it was "punching": that is, if you hold a special operation in the neighboring country and thus loudly yelling "Fascists!" On those who have been the object of special operations? The answer: nothing.
Then, in 2007, August 6, exactly one year before the Russian-Georgian war, was another major "punching" - Su-24 launched a rocket near the Georgian village of Tsitelubani, where was located the Georgian radar. Georgia said Russia has taken a rocket, and the Defense Ministry said that the Georgians had dug a hole and put in there rocket debris. What did the West? He made it two equivalent versions. "Punching" showed that the Russian-Georgian war can begin.
A year later, the Russian-Georgian war in the West reacted eventually just like a rocket in Tsitelubani. Tagliavini's commission wrote that the Russian claim that the Georgians started the war, and the Georgians claim that Russian war began, and where the truth is - we do not know, and as an objective commission offer you both versions.
Note that all of the above incidents were based on the same scenario. First, every time they are accompanied by a powerful "five minutes of hatred" - by order, media, social networks crowded Polish, English, Estonian and Georgian "fascists". Second, they were built as a special operation.Each time it was very clear who was behind the "unknown hooligans" beaten Polish diplomats, or "nashistskimi activists" pursuing the British ambassador, but any attempt to call a spade a spade spawned a wave of retaliatory screams: "Fascists," "hirelings of the USA! "The man behind all these incidents, this situation was to deliver additional psychological pleasure: the buzz of impunity and weak opponents.
Let's be frank: the time of General Kitchener and even President Reagan passed away long ago.Western bureaucrats occupied important things: the fight against global warming and for the rights of sexual minorities. Confront what is really dangerous, whether Islamists openly preach hatred of the West in mosques Brussels or London, or unbalanced policy, advocating the same hatred of his troops and his subjects, they do not want. Much easier to pretend that the truth is difficult to grasp. Counting on that the Russian authorities, and, in any case, in all her previous experience was not anything that would have indicated that it is not right.
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