Sunday, June 03, 2018

ross commerce secretary ties with Russia , Trumps bankrupcy

The commerce secretary trumpeting stringent tariffsonUSalliesisa

From his expansive wood-panelled office a short walk from the White House,MrRosshasweatheredcontroversyoverbusinesstiestoRussianoligarchsandinvestmentsintheBankof Cyprus as well as questions about the true size of a personal fortune that was once estimated in the billions. Rivalshaveleakedreportsofhimfalling asleep in meetings and being shoutedatbyMrTrump,amanwhose businesscareerheoncehelpedsalvage. Asabanker,MrRossoptednottoforce thecasinodeveloperintobankruptcy.

AregularforyearsonthePalmBeach andHamptonspartycircuits,MrRoss hasalsoemergedasavividexampleof the Gilded Age-style opulence that wealthy Trump cabinet members inhabit. He wore $600 velvet slippers embroideredwithhisdepartment’slogo toMrTrump’sfirstaddresstoCongress.

In public, Mr Ross retains a defiant poker face mastered over decades of dealmaking and high-stakes art auctions. He and his third wife, Hilary Geary Ross, own a collection of paintings by Belgian surrealist artist René Magrittethathasbeenvaluedatmore than $100m and the couple are regularly listed in ArtNews’list of the top200collectorsintheworld

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