Friday, August 19, 2011


fuw, editorial on poland , great business opportunity but no mention of chf mortgages

germany slows down, is not an island as some think . eurobond idea still rejected.

editorial : switzerland punished for having good nunmbers, not trues, see sgp.c, braun poor idio obsessed by the left.
import rices, study of snb shows only 50% change based on forex, vertical cartles problem in switzerland, consumer basket in ch 21.5% more expensive than in eu average
straumann , good results

succwessfull economic system with low taxes , however chf appreciation is a new tax/ cost on economic system which stems from it svery own success, switzerland is vicitm of itself.
can a country w/ services compete w/ an expensive labor force in lack of natural resources ?

what south europe can learn from baltic countries after rigorous saving plans, article in favor of eurobonds, mr yen forecats usd/jpy at 60
defence indutry ,budget cutting ahead
POwer corp canadadian insurance and investment group controlled by Paul desmarais performed betetr than warren buffet, interesting: holding period of stocke decreased from 15 years to 7 months

nissan successul story

metals, prefer platinum over gold, more on silver , industrial metals

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