Monday, September 05, 2011

Kenneth rogoff happy abt latest declaration of new imf president lagarde to recapitalise banks. Former head of McKenzie law firm and beautiful swim ballerina strikes a chord with American words to steal the spotlight. When she was appointed finance minister she claimed that it was abt time for Paris to raise above London. It tells a lot abt the rhetoric and objectivity of this kind of personality and disregard the imf may fall into. Usa country review article

Bucher industries sees no slow down,ready to internationalise more with strong CHF leaving behind its swiss suppliers while bobst less resilient hit heavily, stock price at its lowest since 1987. straumann and nobel at its lowest, usa dental implants market weighs in hevaily. Pernord rcihard liquors sales higher in emerging markets, increases dividend. AT6T merger enquiry by DOJ and FHFA 200 bio law suit does not help orchestrate economy take off under Obama admin. Canada mining titles in copper and uranium+ banks doing well,gold mines with nem up. goldcorp recommendation. U blox well positzioned with its microchips technology for will build intelligent power management for clouding computers servers after buying validus dc. Normally server locations in cold areas like Finland. Power management test for in CH. Noma group long term investment.

In fight against strong chf swiss gvmnt proposes only 850 mio instead of 2 billions while snb steps up its fight against chf appreciation. In the country of consensual regime this is yet a grave misstep showing the lack of synchrony and dividing forces behind the current turmoil. no suprise since minister of finance and economics occupied by renegade udc widmer sclumpf and liberal party bear aman schneider . Seat was lost by the socialists with the emerging udc. Journalist claims carry trades are too expensive , worng staement , carry trades are not options. Other tool to fioght currency appreciaiton is swaps. Meanwhile nice anecdote on chf : Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs war der Franken die einzige konvertierbare Hartwährung in Europa, was mitunter auch für unschöne Geschäfte sorgte. Seit der Einführung flexibler Wechselkurse 1973 wertet er sich tendenziell stetig auf, dieses Jahr beängstigend rapide. Trotz alledem sind anscheinend nicht mal mehr die hiesigen GenossInnen Euro-Anhänger; der Franken ist nun selbst ihnen lieb und teuer. Zu teuer ist er etwa den Deutschen. Die kommen kaum noch in die Alpen, sondern bleiben daheim. Weshalb unsereins sie eben heimsucht, im Kaufhaus zu Konstanz, Waldshut, Lörrach. MR. Article on exchange of information with USA authorities revolving around the bilateral agreement on UBS ,difficult interpretation that requires great analytical philosophical tools to prove one thing and its contrary at the same time, contradicting statements of the former justice minister Schlumpf,image concluding that ubs data were given in spite of American authorities not having clear indications bcs they fullfilled the following definition of tax fraud Der Anhang definiert auch, was im Amtshilfeabkommen unter «Steuerbetrug und dergleichen» zu verstehen ist. Demnach liegt ein amtshilfefähiges betrügerisches Verhalten dann vor, wenn der Steuerpflichtige falsche oder gefälschte Unterlagen verwendet oder wenn er die Steuerbehörden durch die Errichtung von Lügengebäuden oder andere schwer durchschaubare Machenschaften täuscht. Als «dergleichen» gelten fortgesetzte und schwere Steuerdelikte. Diese Interpretation des Anhangs geht gemäss Widmer-Schlumpf zwar über die bisherige restriktive Amtshilfepraxis hinaus: Sie bewege sich aber «innerhalb des bestehenden rechtlichen Rahmens»

decreasing marginal returns and monopolistic behaviors w/ karl marx empirical analysis of 19th c feodal Europe transition to industrialism are used by a highly paid economist of a bankrupt institute which should have been nationalised , UBS, to puff some air and draw attention. He barely knows Marx work and he is totally out of context,showing why today we have so many problems, precisely bcs of parasytes like Magnuson who keep writing stuff with no serious analytical content while cashing their cheque at the end of the month. the misery of economists, too late to get seriuous , Marx is used as a fashionable iconic reference to whom they recurr when they have nothing more to say.


Switzerland row with usa , sclumpf proposes reinterpretation of bilateral agreement to allow irs to grab more data on private banking clients

electoral defeat for merkel, her risk aversion is key, criticised of taking a parochial view by kohl and spd, of selling out by electors , she needs to do more than behave like a greater Switzerland. Munchau very pessismit , the worst of euro crisis has yet to come, uncoordinated system of policies is an incentive to a contagious austerity with a contagious downturn, while crook calls obama to be more brave. Kishore Mahbubani, dean of singapore school of public policy and author of the irresistible shift of power to the east compares dictators such as Gaddafi to democracy failures on the ground that both tell lies, they lie on the euro, they lie on sacrifices required in the usa, in short a defence of his buddy at S&P and a lot of inconsistencies and superficiality on liberal democracies.

Didier cossin, imd finance prof, financial models create a false sense of security, financial education has misled a generation of manager encouraging bad behaviour under the pretext of pseudoscientific principles. The great attack on finance and economics has started within its own hard core. Attack of Modigliani Miller theorem of perfect information, self regulatory system that contributed to financial expansion. Cantor firtzgerald benefiting of quantitative easing, buying bonds by gvmnts.

Agrifirma farm fund ready to invest in brasil by listing shares in bhk stock amrket, back up of hk tycoons , tankers left to idle as growth in fleet outstrips global oil demand

it is hard to read a coherent pattern of thought in the current market gyrations

At this stage of the typical expansion we expect above- average growth and instead we are barely seeing any growth at all,” said James Hamilton, an economics professor at the University of California, San Diego, who has advised Federal Reserve banks and studied what tips the U.S. into downturns. “We have to be more worried. Overall, the economy is in a delicate position and another shock could send us down.”

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