Monday, November 12, 2018

1914-18, german dominance in europe , end of status quo

1914-18, german dominance in europe , end of status quo

and Russia. Each time German aggression sucked France and Britain into
war. Long before anyone had heard of
Adolf Hitler, the German chancellor
Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg
wrote in 1914 that his regime’s aim was
been termed the European balance of
power and to lay the foundations for
The German problem received no
solution in the 1919 Versailles treaty.
The new order, inspired by Woodrow
Wilson, was crippled by the US president’sfailuretosecureSenateapproval
for the treaty and US membership of
the League of Nations. The US disengagedfromEuropeanaffairs,withbalefulconsequences.Thankfully,Franklin
make the same mistake in the 1940s.
Unlike Wilson, they knew the val

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