Tuesday, August 05, 2008

IHT, Roger Cohen,http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/08/03/opinion/edcohen.php

Although living In paris i was not aware of this latest scandal , probably erupted while in holydays and glad to learn about it in iht. Totally agree on your conclusions that there is a lesson of civilisation for the vaunted French civilisation afflicted by a continous malaise that binds freedom of speech to political correct statements. Not suprising for the heirs of Versailles!!! But let's be clear , so much ink for such a mediocre personality as Jean Sarkozy was not necessary from neither side , it was a present to the Sarkozy clan that was capable of stirring a " faux debat " on a private issue that should not have gone public. It looks like both quarreling sides are affected by a quest of moral hegemony which eventually does not help the country to get out of its deadlock. Both BH Levy and Bob Siné should ashame themselves of delving into such an affair ,curtailing a true debate of ideas and extolling the peoplisation of the society even among very refined intellectuals quoting Foucault and Dreyfuss , all of this for a young failed student turned politician to reap the dividend of daddy position. helas,to see a cartoonist like siné being fought by a renowned philosopher like bh levi is just a sign of lack of class !

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