Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ft summary

at&t deutsche telcom merger blocked by department of justice and w/ it repatriation of call centres. they re blind, while google, apple &CO monopolise the market they react to their dna instincts triggered by lobbysts and consumer lobbysts who0 funnily enough dont bother abt facebook and advetsing monopoly. doj wants concessions rather thanm breaking the deal to appease the electoral base. but is it only abt politics? perverse marriage of interests. bienenstock research analyst at bernstein points out that telecom deals alwys made at local level, national likely to fail. does he show historic ignorance? history changed , dare to overhaul the whole regulatory system following latest technological developments rather than waste time and resources like this w/ mature companies. sympotom of malaise w/ administrative machine at times of economic slump. obama has a real issue with growth and market economics, he should address it not sharpen it. usa consumer crisis epitomised by las vegas , incapable of bouncing back after 20 years of construction boom unemployment rate at 20% with gambling to no avail. Yet Obama comes up w/ his bipartisan plan for job creation, as if they cared about foreign cash reserves abroad, article, csco 89%, used to finance share buy backs with cheap funding. transfer pricing techniques disclosed 2 SEC w/ by msft : sales via singapore, puerto rico and ireland, yielding less than 35% tax rate 4 us domestic companies. tax holydays and repatriation should be linked to a relaxation of emigration visas for qualified labor force in sharp demand right now. solar energy company solyndra goes bankrupt after usd 530 mio gvmnt loan. third bankrupcy in a row.

merkel and schauble have embraced marxism to t extent that they do want to socialise private losses of the great capital, ie buying greek assets from eu private banks.normal, since germany is a land of serious workers who want an affordable price living in exch of higher firms productivity. domestic priorities are therefore viewed outside as utter myopic foreign economic policy and stopping wary merkel from accepting eurobonds straight away. but was it not the same at the time of bismark and protectionism with grain price. crisis, Germany exceptionalism reflected on its economic machine, a victim of its own success? lagarde calls for recapitalsation of bank equity calculated at 90 bio , ie 1% of total eu sovereign debt. also, berlusconi government postpones budget proposal to the parliament, being loved is more important than blood and tears for the nation, austerity budget watered down. meanwhile portugal brings in austerity measures.also, proposal of creating junior and semior tranches of eurobonds, given market voracity for fixed income demand and triple A would not be a problem.
Hans Olaf Henkel proposal to create a north euro rebuffed by readers as dangerous to export industry, I add it would trigger another competitve devaluation by southern countries joined by France. Deutsche bank to reiterate that sovereign debt for all its problems is much easier to understand than synthetic subrpime debt. But as the say goes, sell in May and go away and stay away till St leger day: behavioral psychology and crowding effects have a strong impact on market trends linked to historical repetead distress. Short volumes at its peak, bullish contrarian signal?

Resource rich south china sea declared exclusive territory by china and international waters by neighbors among others Vietnam . Chinese war ship stops Indian vessel. new geopolitical tensions designing.
Rosneft wants global exploration w/ exon, will bureaucratic state controlled group succeed ? History of russian industry intermigling w/ partners since Nobel and Rothschild, Mendeleev was one of the pioneers of petrochemical plants and management always been utter failure. In fact Yukos wa expropiated by Rosneft. the excuse back then was among others a merger w/ exon. Now Yukos lawsuits against Rosneft stop an equity swap btw 2, something that parodixically was proposed by BP. Doors r closed 4 BP? not yet , Arctic very high oil exploration costs need more than one player.

page on israel tech start ups, jewish mothers want theirs children to be serial entrepreneurs after thosuand of years 4 medical vocation. importance of publicly funded

merkel and schauble have embraced marxism to t extent that they do want to socialise private losses of the great capital, ie buying greek assets from eu private banks.normal, since germany is a land of serious workers who want an affordable price living in exch of productivity. domestic priorities are therefore viewed outside as utter myopic foreign economic policy. but was it not the same at the time of bismark and protectionism with grain price crisis, Germany exceptionalism reflected on its economic machine, a victim of its own success? lagarde calls for recapitalsation of bank equity calculated at 90 bio , ie 1% of total eu sovereign debt. also, berlusconi government postpones budget proposal to the parliament, being loved is more important than blood and tears for the nation, austerity budget watered down. meanwhile portugal brings in austerity measures.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

germany , parliament to have veto powers on rescue plans, makes things more complicated, in comments lagarde praised for her remarks critical of stress tests, was the eu bluffing?bank write down insecurity on portugal,ireland , italy and spain bonds. french banks use mark to model valuations given lack of liquidity 4 bailed out greek bonds, 21% rather than real value 50% write down. confusion reigns, sign of inconsistent regulation, esma criticised. benni berni declares in jackson hole that most economic policies that support robust economic growth in the long run are outside the province of central banks. france and usa rich beg 4 paying more taxes , italy scratches plans on wealthy tax and spain complains they did not receive any request, the same as uk.martin wolf does not say anything new abt crisis ( back from holydas), private demanb problem in the usa and politcal stallmate,while emrging markets drag demand w/ surplus accounts ( see j.plender insight and eswar prasad). Wolf hints 2 central bank action but fed is divided as noted by ft, meanwhile an indian reader reminding how structural problem concentrated on lack of skills in us economy , the very necessary ones and in demand right now, ie open the gates of emigration OF indians it and forget latinos and education for americans? Asian bonds in the current western turmoil faring very well decreasing dependency on foreign currency denominated liabilities that triggered 1997 criris. See Yuan issuance.
Commodity prices hikes , driven by market speculation, K Singleton nobel prize proves it in a paper for air transport, excuse 4 regulation

rusrating, richard hainsworth, oversight banks, russia moscow bank unleashes regulation overhaul, yet again.
lex, hon hai, very good piece on microeconomics and company analysis, declining margins with higher costs paid off by higher sales intially positive for earnings but eventually ushering in2 lower profit and missed targets with new economic downturn and end of product cycle. new investments makeeps growth less visible for investors.
short view , cape cyclically adjusted p/e ratio, bearish comments, stocks 23% overpriced against average since 1881

Monday, August 29, 2011


international accounting standards ias criticises accounting rules for greek bond losses b european banks
china and island, turn picke for asian cargos with antartic melting down?
alan kruger next economic adviser of obama, inequality and wages background preludes to labor economics , see lex and 1970s unemployment figures from 1 in 1976 to 6% in 19885 in oecd countries= structural problem
lagarde imf chief starts very well as she did w/ safrkozy when she defended paris as the new financial capital of the world competing w london. she criticises european banks ignoring stress tests and forcing rehn and trichet to come to rescue of belaguered financial institutions
brown lloyd james , best man of john lennon and gaddafi family advisor, engineered vogue profile of syrian first lady, luxury reigns over western magazines

uk ch agreement criticised since accounts will be closed and transferred as in the German deal before may 2013, deadline agreed

frivolities such as legal challenge of egrman courts against greece rewscue package are discussed. remember germany bundesbank racist book, it was to be expected.

gideon rachamn, political world in turmoil w/ rising inequalities howevr america keep protests out of the street in2 official representation circuit. Why ? No answer, just praise.
maurice levy, tax resident of switzerland joins warren buffet 2 ask 4 the rich top mpay more taxes, then poorer will endure reforms to revive growth. u r understtimating racaille factor , have u ver been in paris outskirts while u were enjoying fiscal exile in gstaadt?

irene is over, damage less, nature analogy, violent market turmoils similar 2 disrupted clinate change, r we in a new age?

risk appettite revives w/ consumer figures, chf down, finally, chf is not financial platform of 70s 80s.


lagarde misuses words, she does nto get a damn of finance, confusing funding with capitalisaiton problems, welcome 2 the affirmative acxtion

Friday, August 26, 2011

snb fight against chf appreciation through sterilisation forex operations and 0 interest rates, refuses 2 peg exchange rate but 4 introduction of controls on banks credit supply through higher or lower capital ratios according to the cycle. joins austrian theory on credit cycles. the quesiton, why did they nbot follow themselves this policy be4 when eur/chf was at 1.65 by raising ratessimlar 2 Europe? Menawhile negative artes means lower real estate price in future and funding gap for pension funds linked 2 property? plausible.see fuw

Quote : "Zudem soll der Puffer generell einem übermässigen Kreditwachstum entgegenwirken. In der Aktivierung und Deaktivierung des antizyklischen Kapitalpuffers soll neben dem Finanzdepartement (EFD) und der Finma die Nationalbank eine zentrale Rolle einnehmen."

meanwhile, the glacial era is starting 4 the swiss eocnomy, read this report
Strong franc and growth concerns

Dear Reader,

  • Equities: The strong franc and significant economic concerns have greatly diminished expectations for corporate earnings in francs. The striking yield gap between Swiss equities and franc bonds should not narrow again until economic expectations have stabilized. Switzerland is not currently our equity market of choice.
  • Bonds: The Swiss bond market was supported by economic concerns and the possibility that the European debt crisis could spread to other countries. We favor bonds issued by broadly diversified, internationally active companies with limited exposure to European peripheral states.
  • Real estate: Real estate investments have limited upside potential.
  • Economy and Swiss franc: The strong franc is stifling parts of the Swiss economy. The government and the Swiss National Bank are taking more aggressive action to weaken the franc. We expect the franc to weaken moderately.
swiss fund industry lost market share. Why ? Mangers operate from London w/ Luxembourg domiciled societies EU compliant. Towers watson and Diana Mackay in Chancen für Schweizer Anbieter die zu den profiliertesten Kennern der Fondsbranche in Europa zählt, believe that w/ lots of chf in deposits chf investments will increase. really , r u the specialist?

Karl Marx and Roubini

Roubin can speak only of capitalism , of course 4 somebody trained in economics and with no solid tenets in political theory and history, it is fancy and vaguely hippy in the French anti establishment spirit of the 68s to quote Marx. I guess Marxism came 2 his mind while sipping some champagne at one of his multi billionaires meetings. After pronouncing the term with his usual defiance everybody knelt with awe and admiration. Last time divo hysteria was w/ Greenspan, since then fallen in disregard. definetively Roubini filled the gap while Bernanke perseveres with humility and difficulty to help readdress US economy

Sembra quindi che Karl Marx avesse ragione nel sostenere che la globalizzazione, l’intermediazione finanziaria fuori controllo e la ridistribuzione del reddito e della ricchezza dal lavoro al capitale potrebbero portare il capitalismo all’autodistruzione (la sua idea che il socialismo sarebbe stato migliore si è invece rivelata errata). Le aziende stanno tagliando posti di lavoro a causa di un’insufficiente domanda finale. Ma tagliare posti di lavoro riduce il reddito dei lavoratori, aumenta la diseguaglianza e diminuisce la domanda finale.

Le recenti manifestazioni di massa, dal Medio Oriente a Israele fino al Regno Unito, e la crescente paura in Cina – e ben presto in altre economie avanzate e nei mercati emergenti – sono tutte spinte dalle stesse problematiche e tensioni: diseguaglianza, povertà, disoccupazione e disperazione. Anche i ceti medi del mondo stanno provando le ristrettezze economiche legate alla riduzione di reddito e opportunità.

Per consentire alle economie orientate al mercato di funzionare nel modo corretto, dobbiamo ritornare al giusto equilibrio tra mercati e fornitura di beni pubblici. Ciò significa abbandonare il modello anglosassone del laissez-faire e dell’economia-vodoo e il modello dell’Europa continentale di welfare state (o Stato del benessere) spinto dal deficit. Entrambi i modelli sono risultati fallimentari.

Il giusto equilibrio richiede oggi la creazione di posti di lavoro, in parte mediante nuovi stimoli fiscali volti a incentivare le infrastrutture. Serve altresì una maggiore tassazione progressiva, maggiori stimoli fiscali nel breve periodo attraverso una disciplina fiscale nel medio e nel lungo periodo, l’appoggio di un prestatore di ultima istanza da parte delle autorità monetarie per prevenire rovinose corse agli sportelli, una riduzione del peso debitorio per le famiglie insolventi e altri agenti economici in difficoltà, nonché supervisione e regolamentazione più severe per combattere un sistema finanziario fuori controllo, mettendo fine a banche troppo grandi per fallire e a imprese oligopolistiche.

Nel tempo le economie avanzate dovranno investire in capitale umano, competenze e reti di sicurezza sociale per aumentare la produttività e consentire ai lavoratori di competere, essere flessibili e vivere bene in un’economia globalizzata. Come negli anni 30, le alternative sono stagnazione, depressione, guerre valutarie e commerciali, controlli sui capitali, crisi finanziarie, insolvenze sovrane, instabilità sociale e politica.

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2011 Traduzione di Simona Polverino

ft 26.08.2011

Lybia , SAS sent 2 hunt Gaddafi & avoid Iraq scenario, country revival difficult gioven lack of institutions , how to build a working state from nothing.South Africa Zuma opposed to release of funds to rebels.

Jackson Hole, is Hildebrand a guest ? Tbhis year the cause of market turbulence are governments, cdntral banks are more relaxed unlike last year.

CH EU tax bilateral continue with Greece next, Switzerland becoming informally a member of the EU, end of fiscal priviledges favored by its federalistic decentralised institutions seeking 4 fiscal advantage even within Switzerland. However Brussels not fond of these bilateral agreements because dont include companies in a quest of fiscal harmonmisation

On economic theory demise after crisis, John Kay and epistemological thinking 4 an FT editor and LSE lecturer, notes the fragmented debate with missing consensus even on empirical data. The latter should be foundation for a new start. Quote « Consistency and rigour are features of a deductive approach, which draws conclusions from a group of axioms – and whose empirical relevance depends entirely on the universal validity of the axioms. ....For many people, deductive reasoning is the mark of science: induction ....not just in applied subjects such as engineering and medicine but also in more theoretical subjects including physics – is frequently the result of observation that something does work, which runs far ahead of any understanding of why it works. .... In 1995 Prof Lucas was awarded the Nobel prize for economics, and in his prize lecture he provides a succinct summary of his central model. This simplification method is very different from the physicist’s simplification, which abstracts to focus on a single element of a problem. Prof Lucas has described his objective as “the construction of a mechanical artificial world populated by interacting robots”. An economic theory is something that “can be put on a computer and run”.

Structures such as these are “analogue economies”, complete systems that loosely resemble the world, but a world so pared down that everything is either known or can be made up »

Garry Silverman on New York risking 2 become Detroit

Samuel Brittan on Marx thinking propelled by Roubini and Magnuson quotes Marx himself, whatever else I am, I am not a marxist. Otherwise boring article , does not get to the point and does not show good udnesratnding of philosphy and history. Last quote more interesting and gives food for thought : Its most interesting development came from Rudolf Hilferding, an Austrian social democrat, whose lasting contribution came in his book, Das Finanzkapital. Here he drew attention to a new sinister feature, the rise of bankers and financiers behind the growing cartelisation of industry. He did not foresee the far greater importance of the mass of artificial money rushing across frontiers, which is surely highly relevant when central bankers are breaking their heads about how to restart the world economy. »Time 2 analyse roubini article and criticse it if necessary...

Oeter Tasker on Gold, Gold generates nothing and can be valued on its right only as a revulsion for other assets, very questinable, looks like marxist staement against luxury

Tomorrow Jackson Hole and Bernanke conundrum, I believe he did his job and will ask gvmnt 2 do the rest althouugh some ask for irresponsible behavior to pop up inflation 4 pushing investment with lower real inetrest rates. Japan teaches.Great depression was fixed w/ a war after all.

Money markets and circuit breakers , risk of funds withdrawing counterbalanced by further ecb guarantees on lending.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


switzerland agrees w/ UK 2 tax secret bank accounts, safe haven banking officially over while law on secret banking still valid. genius 2 avoid class actions.secrecy fails only when there is an emergency situation like w/ ubs failure where Mr haltiner handed data of ubs clients 4 the sake of nation and in disregard of state of rule . I propose 2 make Haltiner a national hero unlike that scoundrel of a captain who let jews in during the IIWW and was called traitor or more recently Chritopher Meili, a security clerk who handed over bank details of lost accounts from persecuted jews and had himself 2 seek refuge in the USA given criminal persecution @ home. These are the contradictions of secret banking law in Switzerland. A real cucoo country

after Bundesbank President, Germany's president joins critics of purchase of italy and spain debt by frankfurt based ecb. confusion and undecisiveness continue, geithner leit motif shock and awe turns in2 wagnerian drama flirting w/ tragedy.

QE3 not worth if leveraged creditors do not invest . question: to cut or not 2 cut? Denmark is at the forefront w/ 2d public spending program. lack of coordinated answer by industriual countries may make things worst.

u dont need to be big to be a mulitnational, on micro enteprising

hp restructuring vs Louis Gestner IBM " who says we cant be elephants", HPQ Apotheker no conservative, schumpeterian revolution instead w/ stock losing 20%, baffled analysts by sudden mature hardware unit spin off, happy consultants and investment bankers . lots of articles.

uk and eurozone bond , they may benefit themselves while supporting it. at critical moment, time 4 bold decisions in europe but as j mackintosh argues inflation fear stucks germany in2 statuquo. I quote: " But Britain’s economy and financial system are inextricably linked to the eurozone and there is little sign that without a dramatic intervention, the single currency area will avoid a nasty mess. Britain prides itself on coming to the aid of continental Europe at times of crisis. Now is one of those moments. With a proposal for Britain’s limited involvement in eurobonds, Mr Osborne has the chance to demonstrate leadership. Anything less and he will be as culpable for a double-dip as anyone"
jpy appreciates while moody downgrades its debt rating, opposite outcome than w/ usa downgrade

s&p new ceo affable and at ease w regulators, precious japanese regulators experience@ citibank

nokia, usd 40 bio spent in r&d , comes up w new symbian os, positive analysts review, will they really phase it out in favor of windows? I bet they will keep their options open depending on msft strategy

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


salomon lerner behind humsala in peru
US chamber of commerce supported bank bail out+800 bio stimulus package, now 4 spendiong cuts, iun favoir only of infrastructure programs backed by gvmnt, what is their stance with Romey , Perry and tea party radicals dangerous stance?
article on rare earth materials, environment rules push up prices, interesting map
french wealthy tax, l'oreal and total de margiere join buffet for tax on wealthy. sarkozy elections approaching, concertation and timing r impressive, not all wealthy agree on recipee 2 reduce government edficit
J Sachs reply to the FT, following his article^: scandinavian countries are the example tio follow, investment in skills, infrastructure,environment and equalitarian affirmative action policies 2 counterbalance excessive disparity and business power,whereas usa plutocracy increases gap btw rich and poor w/ federal power in the hands of rich.
dewen sharma stepping down as s&p president
notebook Jamil Anderlini, chinese netizens not surpised that PLO army players stomp on innocent American students , basket match finished 64-64, which means June 4 June 4, date of Tienanmen massacre. Authoritan unpolished behavior w/ journalists and diplomatic staff as well kicked out form the rpess room while London riots are a new cult 4 chinese state tv which bans all other domestic violent images.

deven sharma steps down, pitty , he should have done it after hearings at the congress that could highlight his biased political views pumped by anti colonialist spirit againt the white man

bad loans rise in india banks,
ft line, merkel call right, fix first domestic budgets , launch later eurobonds, usual EU institutional problem underlined,

sheer force of will

we live with dreams, demons and fears. The only way forward when we wake up is sheer force of will. For a good reason

ft 23.8.11

crumbling of 3rd regime reinvigorates arab spring, finnish deal 4 colalteral threatens greece rescue package, eu again shows its limits
sunflowers will bhelp decontaminate radioactive soil in japan.
4 their health banks need a holyday from basel. US savings and loan crisis in 1980s, resurrection failed henc eloose regulation may divert healthy lending practices ^2 local businesses.

arab spring moving 2 India w/ anti ciorruption social movement.
philip zelikow exclnt analysis of arab spring and possible federalist outocme in multiethinc context where failed unitary state of colonial legacy is falling apart, menawhile gulfstate channel funds 2 back authoritarian rulers.
michael lind, Please see The intellectual collapse of left and right on Page 7 of Tuesday, August 23, 2011, " Supporters of the ownership society and the knowledge economy alike have emphasised economic aspiration above economic security. That might have seemed plausible during the bubble years, but it does not fit the conditions of distressed workers in today’s post-crash, slow-growth economy. Whatever forms the next conservatism and the next liberalism take in the US, they may be based as much on a politics of security as the politics of aspiration"
interesting point on managerial responsibilities and titanic captain analogy jumping on the lifeboat b4 passengers." Easy conditions of employment, overgenerous pensions and pay, insufficient emphasis on the risks (operational and ethical) rather than the rewards of the job – these are the corporate equivalent of the lifeboat Ismay stepped into. As long as these safeguards are provided in such abundance, the public will have to stomach seeing many business leaders simply float away from the wreckage they helped create. "
family offices regulation and the SEC
US railways , good revire and chart on traffic
on uk manufacturing, praise spectris , specialist precision engineer towards china

Sunday, August 21, 2011


merkel sticks 2 the eu national model, bout of m nationalism 2 increase competitiveness. politicians look distanced from real dangers of crisis, in a bubble like gaddafi. politics wont follow markets. 2 quote Kant : Da un legno storto come’è quello di cui l’uomo è fatto non può uscire nulla di interamente diritto” Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.
Idea for a General History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose (1784), Proposition 6
Variant translations: Out of timber so crooked as that from which man is made nothing entirely straight can be built.
Fiscal Union, difficult to get there and yet is the only viable solution

obama, members of his economic team have left, lack of authoritative skills 4 new policy proposals?lack of clear plans and boldness, he did not presen5t6 any plan, he left 4 holydays and bus tour, hee looks pale. mortimer zuckermann, business has lost confidence in admin. diamond jpm decliend to succeed geithner.
one of the problems of the current crisis is to use conventional economic tactics. see merkel declarations, crporatist state, rigidity, statu quo may prevail also w/ obama,
vito tanzi review by samuel brittain, 70k usa tax code pages, outcome of state cature lobbying process
viktor veksleberg and skolkovo program
banks shift unwanted assets into pension funds to fill deficit gap
uk insureres over scr tripleB ( solvcency capital requirment) may pay div idends 2 investors
article on ftmanagement, no 2 a higher frequency flash crash

Friday, August 19, 2011


austria and netherlands ask collateral 4 loans 2 greece
sarkozy, gaullist cure fails 2 impress, barroso eu commission failkure, it took a back seat, national gvmnts on charge, clumsy efforts 2 create a
economic gvmnt w/ ad hoc institutions which do not breach the european treaty

belgium minister proposes eurobonds in exch of economic gvmnt enshrined in constitution
fera that us econom stalling bcs w/ insufficient speed losing traction and falling as an aircraft uncapable of taking off,
like gvmnt stalemate, truth is aircraft still on the runway and if no inflation then what do u do w/
monetary policy, pump it up. analogy w/ 2d term of roosevelt before entering war, recession kiked inw/ republicans callinbg 4
balanced budget

following google motoroala, is rimm twice its value?

anna harare a threat 2 democracy , sic pm singh,negotiating terms w/ parliament 4 anti corruption rules, spectacular development

ussr analysis
ancient greeks help explain the rioting of London, refreing 2 incohate rage beneathour global cities + ft series the squeezed middle, mind abt soirit and watch less
amy , kate or khardazian appetite 4 lust , rioters were motivated by material gain, ie celecrity status as a benchmark unleashes violent instincts, celebrity seeking was
a realuty show as w/ police confrontation mutated in greek self esteem , spirit quest, recipee btw appetite and spirit quest lies reason, modusrebus agaton akatos, this is the real challenge
in this fast shifting structure that reached its critical limit ( see napoleon theory on critical points and kant preoccupation on french revolution as well as black swan theory
in 1st crisis and structural change in this one, theora of science)

funny anecdote, londion looting had no equal in lagos , south african gvmnt issued a travel warning , decline of western influence more evident in africa itself, where russians, turks, chinese and brazilians
r making business while western democracies remain largetzs donors trying to lecture poor africans on democracy and governance

Art is so often a tug of war between the accidental and the predetermined. And so often – hurrah for happenstance –
the first is victorious. Self-importance and self-consciousness can pass into dust. The most beautiful,
touching things can frequently be the least “worked”: a passing phrase in music, a painter’s unthought brushstroke . .


fuw, editorial on poland , great business opportunity but no mention of chf mortgages

germany slows down, is not an island as some think . eurobond idea still rejected.

editorial : switzerland punished for having good nunmbers, not trues, see sgp.c, braun poor idio obsessed by the left.
import rices, study of snb shows only 50% change based on forex, vertical cartles problem in switzerland, consumer basket in ch 21.5% more expensive than in eu average
straumann , good results

succwessfull economic system with low taxes , however chf appreciation is a new tax/ cost on economic system which stems from it svery own success, switzerland is vicitm of itself.
can a country w/ services compete w/ an expensive labor force in lack of natural resources ?

what south europe can learn from baltic countries after rigorous saving plans, article in favor of eurobonds, mr yen forecats usd/jpy at 60
defence indutry ,budget cutting ahead
POwer corp canadadian insurance and investment group controlled by Paul desmarais performed betetr than warren buffet, interesting: holding period of stocke decreased from 15 years to 7 months

nissan successul story

metals, prefer platinum over gold, more on silver , industrial metals

Thursday, August 18, 2011

18 aug 11

I just wonder why the ft publishes on first page failed attempts to stem chf currency appreciation by relying on lena komileva opinion who barely knows the mechanics of swiss economy except for few charts on her bloomberg and having visited geneva for buying a rolex. I subscribed 2 ur newspaper & already disappointed from a journalistic point of view. no wonder banking system is broke, ask lena komileva on Swiss economy! pls, improve the source of your quotes, I dont give a damn abt global stratetigist Komileva quoted everywhere, I want quality.

franco german snub on tobin tax that could raise eur 215bio with 0.05% transaction tax given 115xEU GDP markets volume, some countries claim their fiscal indeoendence,risk offree rider problem ft suspects Merkel of helping Sarkozy's electoral agenda . soros&co eurobond call skipped, EU is not a political union to grant common fiscal powers according 2 some.Besides, spaon proves that balance busget do not restore market confidence, stability pact under stress
Rahul Jacob, China boosts HK as Renimbi safe haven issuing new DIM SUM bonds rtanche ( see details) + Jamil Anderlin to reiterate that China rapid grwoth makes it prone to political unrest while PM Singh backed by Sonia Ghandi approves arrest 4 hunger strike of anti corruption activist. The largest demiocracy ruled by Sonia Gandi , ill in an undisclosed location
jeffrey sachs reiterates the cncepot of atlantic leadership failure amig globalisation, need of stronger fiscal policiy and education+infrastructure investments, africa development financed by very clever China loansreport on arctic sea.
Mark leonard, director of European council on foreign affairs, Eu is branded comatose and geriatric
sensuous odes to logic and form , sol lewitt
basel II clashed w/ insuranmce solvency II,if not harmonised outcome will be dearth of capital and icnreased deleveraging for banks stifling eco growth.
europe and usa gdp = 31k bio, ch= 550bio @ current exch rate, Bejing and Bern both start w/ B and r part of the assymetrical equation.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ft titles

Agri-business battles claims of abuse and unhealthy food
Buffett’s remarks energise tax debate
Chinese rating agency comes under fire
The slowdown will make Berlin still twitchier about extending help to
eurozone countries
In the absence of political leadership, Belgium has been among the few European
countries not to enact meaningful austerity measures, despite a public debt
just short of 100 per cent of its GDP.
By contrast, neighbouring governments have cut swaths of public spending
or pushed through tax rises, which stymie domestic demand and slow the economy in the short term.
Ghost of Keynes haunts eurozone/Europe’s fiscal saints can do more to help fiscal sinners
Taxing Buffett, A plutocrat is sick of being coddled and wants to pay up
If Edinburgh is Hellenic then London is Vespasian’s Rome
The inchoate rage beneath our global cities
Innovative US cities have the highest protest levels and among the lowest levels of social capital, London’s riots are about class and the growing divide between the classes. This dynamic is not unique to London but is at work in many of the world’s great capitals. Instead of reducing and flattening economic distinctions, globalisation has made them sharper.

The global era and the end of foreign policy
By Philip Zelikow is commonplace to read that America is going through a period of retrenchment, with a focus on domestic policy. But the same could be said of other major powers, including China, India, Japan, and all of Europe. Yet today foreign policy need not recede. Instead, foreign policies should focus on how to harmonise “domestic” policies.INTERESTING ARTICLE ON DEVELOPMENT HISTORY , FDI EVOLUTION FORM PRIVATE TO PUBLIC TO PRIVATE AND NEED TO COOPERATE ON A GLOBAL SCALE RATHER THAN DOMESTIC ONE London was a traditional clearing house. After the Great Depression, private capital flows were inhibited, and public capital took on a greater role, including income transfers between countries. Institutions and habits of thought changed, while capital controls and Cold War rivalries reinforced reliance on foreign aid. But in the last 20 years, the traditional flows have returned on far larger scales.
Europe need not wait for Germany, Martin Sandbu, us and japoan downgraded yet lower rates compared to fragmented europe, proposes to create own euromarket w/out germany
John Kay, hair and dear analogy pof Rousseau, together w/ gang grabbing entitlement aand marginal distribution rewards 2 explain how UK kids expectations tilt towards celebrity rather than honorable jobs. Does it explain london riots? a biot confused though daring.

switzerland poland chf loans, 2006 somebody paid 300k zloty, @ today forex losses against chf woould pay 550k , 700k ppl borrowed in chf, 250k out of 400k owners

HK CHINA safe haven, DIM SUM Bonds in Yuan laucned in HK, plans to strengthen financial paltform by China

ft titles

Agri-business battles claims of abuse and unhealthy food
Buffett’s remarks energise tax debate
Chinese rating agency comes under fire
The slowdown will make Berlin still twitchier about extending help to
eurozone countries
In the absence of political leadership, Belgium has been among the few European
countries not to enact meaningful austerity measures, despite a public debt
just short of 100 per cent of its GDP.
By contrast, neighbouring governments have cut swaths of public spending
or pushed through tax rises, which stymie domestic demand and slow the economy in the short term.
Ghost of Keynes haunts eurozone/Europe’s fiscal saints can do more to help fiscal sinners
Taxing Buffett, A plutocrat is sick of being coddled and wants to pay up
If Edinburgh is Hellenic then London is Vespasian’s Rome
The inchoate rage beneath our global cities
Innovative US cities have the highest protest levels and among the lowest levels of social capital, London’s riots are about class and the growing divide between the classes. This dynamic is not unique to London but is at work in many of the world’s great capitals. Instead of reducing and flattening economic distinctions, globalisation has made them sharper.

The global era and the end of foreign policy
By Philip Zelikow is commonplace to read that America is going through a period of retrenchment, with a focus on domestic policy. But the same could be said of other major powers, including China, India, Japan, and all of Europe. Yet today foreign policy need not recede. Instead, foreign policies should focus on how to harmonise “domestic” policies.INTERESTING ARTICLE ON DEVELOPMENT HISTORY , FDI EVOLUTION FORM PRIVATE TO PUBLIC TO PRIVATE AND NEED TO COOPERATE ON A GLOBAL SCALE RATHER THAN DOMESTIC ONE London was a traditional clearing house. After the Great Depression, private capital flows were inhibited, and public capital took on a greater role, including income transfers between countries. Institutions and habits of thought changed, while capital controls and Cold War rivalries reinforced reliance on foreign aid. But in the last 20 years, the traditional flows have returned on far larger scales.
Europe need not wait for Germany, Martin Sandbu, us and japoan downgraded yet lower rates compared to fragmented europe, proposes to create own euromarket w/out germany
John Kay, hair and dear analogy pof Rousseau, together w/ gang grabbing entitlement aand marginal distribution rewards 2 explain how UK kids expectations tilt towards celebrity rather than honorable jobs. Does it explain london riots? a biot confused though daring.

swituzerland poland chf loans, 2006 somebody paid 300k zloty, @ today forex losses against chf woould pay 550k , 700k ppl borrowed in chf, 250k out of 400k owners

Monday, August 15, 2011

patrick odier/ economie suisse/ banking association: swiss banking vs singapore

swiss business association on chf strength/ cut salaries

«Alle sindgefordert» Valentin Vogt Präsident Arbeitgeberverband
ePaper dieses Artikels lesen

▪ Herr Vogt, die Hausse des Frankens nimmt kein Ende, die Exportwirtschaft leidet unter der Aufwertung. Droht nun die grosse Verlagerung der Arbeitsplätze ins Ausland?
Nein, das sehe ich nicht als die geeignete Antwort auf die Frankenstärke. Es ist wichtig, dass eine Volkswirtschaft über eine ausgewogene Struktur verfügt, also eine Mischung des Industrie- und Dienstleistungssektors. Die vergangene Krise hat gezeigt, dass einseitig ausgerichtete Länder wie zum Beispiel Irland am verwundbarsten sind.
▪ Mit dem aktuellen Frankenkurs ist doch der Werkplatz Schweiz in Gefahr!
Nein, das sehe nicht so. Seit Jahrzehnten tendiert der Franken aufwärts und trotzdem hat der Produktionsstandort Schweiz weiterexistiert. Doch die jüngste Aufwertung ist derart rasch vorangeschritten, dass den Unternehmen keine Zeit blieb, sich den neuen Bedingungen anzupassen.
▪ Was können die Exportunternehmen tun, um konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben?
Alle sind nun gefordert, ihren Beitrag zu leisten. Je nach Unternehmen sind unterschiedliche Massnahmen gefragt. Die Erhöhung der Arbeitszeit beispielsweise ist eine davon. Allerdings ist sie nur dort sinnvoll, wo die Auftragsbücher voll sind. Eine weitere Möglichkeit, Kosten zu sparen, ergibt sich im Einkauf. Wir bezahlen heute noch deutlich mehr für ausländische Produkte als unsere Konkurrenten, nur weil wir als Hochpreisinsel gelten. Da muss vermehrt Druck auf die Importeure und Hersteller gemacht werden.
▪ Reicht das aus, um die Mehrkostender Frankenhausse zu kompensieren?
Das hängt vom Unternehmen ab. Es gibt viele, die dank Innovation und Technologievorsprung weltweit eine Spitzenposition einnehmen und daher eher in der Lage sind, den steigenden Franken mindestens teilweise an ihre Kunden weiterzugeben. Es ist von Vorteil, wenn Unternehmen über ein finanzielles Polster verfügen, um in aller Ruhe die nächsten Schritte zu überlegen und nicht kurzfristig Schnellschüsse machen zu müssen, die langfristig das Potenzial haben, grossen Schaden anzurichten.
▪ Wie kann die Politik helfen?
Die Politik soll dort eingreifen, wo sie die Rahmenbedingungen verbessern kann, beispielsweise durch ein Freihandelsabkommen mit Indien und China. Immerhin werden pro Jahr 9 Mrd. Fr. nach China exportiert, Tendenz steigend.
▪ Der Ruf wird immer lauter, die Schweizerische Nationalbank müsse endlich etwas tun. Selbst Wirtschaftsvertreter fordern das zunehmend.
Die Nationalbank soll sich aus meiner Sicht auf ihre Kernaufgabe die Erhaltung der Preisstabilität beschränken. Würde sie erneut ins Währungsgefüge eingreifen, wäre das gewiss für einige Unternehmen kurzfristig eine Erleichterung. Doch für das langfristige Wohl der Schweizer Volkswirtschaft wären Interventionen der Schweizerischen Nationalbank kontraproduktiv. Die Nationalbank wird abwägen müssen, und tut das auch sicher, zwischen dem volkswirtschaftlichen Schaden, den der rasante Zerfall des Euros und des Dollars für die Schweiz bringt und den langfristigen Folgen einer Intervention am Währungsmarkt.
Interview: Corina Drack

swiss business association on chf strength/ cut salaries

«Alle sindgefordert» Valentin Vogt Präsident Arbeitgeberverband
ePaper dieses Artikels lesen

▪ Herr Vogt, die Hausse des Frankens nimmt kein Ende, die Exportwirtschaft leidet unter der Aufwertung. Droht nun die grosse Verlagerung der Arbeitsplätze ins Ausland?
Nein, das sehe ich nicht als die geeignete Antwort auf die Frankenstärke. Es ist wichtig, dass eine Volkswirtschaft über eine ausgewogene Struktur verfügt, also eine Mischung des Industrie- und Dienstleistungssektors. Die vergangene Krise hat gezeigt, dass einseitig ausgerichtete Länder wie zum Beispiel Irland am verwundbarsten sind.
▪ Mit dem aktuellen Frankenkurs ist doch der Werkplatz Schweiz in Gefahr!
Nein, das sehe nicht so. Seit Jahrzehnten tendiert der Franken aufwärts und trotzdem hat der Produktionsstandort Schweiz weiterexistiert. Doch die jüngste Aufwertung ist derart rasch vorangeschritten, dass den Unternehmen keine Zeit blieb, sich den neuen Bedingungen anzupassen.
▪ Was können die Exportunternehmen tun, um konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben?
Alle sind nun gefordert, ihren Beitrag zu leisten. Je nach Unternehmen sind unterschiedliche Massnahmen gefragt. Die Erhöhung der Arbeitszeit beispielsweise ist eine davon. Allerdings ist sie nur dort sinnvoll, wo die Auftragsbücher voll sind. Eine weitere Möglichkeit, Kosten zu sparen, ergibt sich im Einkauf. Wir bezahlen heute noch deutlich mehr für ausländische Produkte als unsere Konkurrenten, nur weil wir als Hochpreisinsel gelten. Da muss vermehrt Druck auf die Importeure und Hersteller gemacht werden.
▪ Reicht das aus, um die Mehrkostender Frankenhausse zu kompensieren?
Das hängt vom Unternehmen ab. Es gibt viele, die dank Innovation und Technologievorsprung weltweit eine Spitzenposition einnehmen und daher eher in der Lage sind, den steigenden Franken mindestens teilweise an ihre Kunden weiterzugeben. Es ist von Vorteil, wenn Unternehmen über ein finanzielles Polster verfügen, um in aller Ruhe die nächsten Schritte zu überlegen und nicht kurzfristig Schnellschüsse machen zu müssen, die langfristig das Potenzial haben, grossen Schaden anzurichten.
▪ Wie kann die Politik helfen?
Die Politik soll dort eingreifen, wo sie die Rahmenbedingungen verbessern kann, beispielsweise durch ein Freihandelsabkommen mit Indien und China. Immerhin werden pro Jahr 9 Mrd. Fr. nach China exportiert, Tendenz steigend.
▪ Der Ruf wird immer lauter, die Schweizerische Nationalbank müsse endlich etwas tun. Selbst Wirtschaftsvertreter fordern das zunehmend.
Die Nationalbank soll sich aus meiner Sicht auf ihre Kernaufgabe die Erhaltung der Preisstabilität beschränken. Würde sie erneut ins Währungsgefüge eingreifen, wäre das gewiss für einige Unternehmen kurzfristig eine Erleichterung. Doch für das langfristige Wohl der Schweizer Volkswirtschaft wären Interventionen der Schweizerischen Nationalbank kontraproduktiv. Die Nationalbank wird abwägen müssen, und tut das auch sicher, zwischen dem volkswirtschaftlichen Schaden, den der rasante Zerfall des Euros und des Dollars für die Schweiz bringt und den langfristigen Folgen einer Intervention am Währungsmarkt.
Interview: Corina Drack

switzerland, strong franc, buy ur car abroad

switzerland, strong franc, buy ur car abroad

various / finma not guilty/ once again law in favor of companies not individuals

Finma und UBS gedeckt Kundendatenpreisgabe zulässig – Bundesgericht korrigiert Urteil
ePaper dieses Artikels lesen

Urs-Peter Inderbitzin
Die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (Finma) hat den US-Behörden 255 Dossiers von UBS-Bankkunden übergeben dürfen. Für das Bundesgericht ist der vor zwei Jahren umstrittene Datentransfer zulässig. Angesichts der damals kritischen Situation der UBS sei das Vorgehen der Behörde gestützt auf die allgemeine Polizeiklausel in Ordnung gewesen.
Im Dezember 2008 wurde der Druck der Vereinigten Staaten auf die UBS wegen illegaler Geschäfte mit US-Staatsbürgern immer stärker. Der Bundesrat sah sich gezwungen, die damalige Eidgenössische Bankenkommission (heute Finma) zu bitten, «im Interesse der Stabilität sowohl des schweizerischen als auch des globalen Finanzsystems alle notwendigen Massnahmen zu treffen», um eine Klage gegen die UBS abzuwenden.Im Februar 2009 erhöhten die US-Behörden den Druck auf die UBS und kündigten unverzüglich eine Klage an, falls nicht postwendend Kundendaten den Weg nach Amerika fänden. In dieser Situation befahl die Finma der UBS am 18. Februar 2009, ihr 255 Kundendossiers auszuhändigen. Die Finma leitete diese Angaben noch am selben Tag in elektronischer Form an die US-Behörden weiter.Gegen die Herausgabe der Daten gelangten verschiedene Kunden der UBS an das Bundesverwaltungsgericht. In einem Pilotprozess hiessen die Richter in Bern eine Beschwerde von drei US-Unternehmen gut. Das Gericht befand, die Herausgabe der Dokumente sei unzulässig gewesen. Die Finma könne diese Aktion weder auf das Bankengesetz noch auf Notrecht, das nur dem Bundesrat zustehe, stützen. Dagegen rief nun die Finma mit Erfolg das Bundesgericht an.In ihrer fast fünf Stunden dauernden öffentlichen Sitzung kamen die Richter in Lausanne am Freitag zum Ergebnis, dass das Vorgehen der Finanzmarktaufsicht letztlich nicht zu beanstanden ist. Der Eingriff in das Bankgeheimnis war aufgrund der Anweisung des Bundesrats gestützt auf die allgemeine Polizeiklausel zulässig. Nur auf diese Weise war es möglich, eine Anklageerhebung gegen die UBS, die mutmasslich zum Konkurs der Bank geführt und kaum kontrollierbare ökonomische Konsequenzen für die Schweiz gehabt hätte, abzuwenden.Da die Aushändigung der 255 UBS-Kundendaten nun vom höchsten Schweizer Gericht für rechtmässig angesehen wird, dürften Schadenersatzklagen der betroffenen US-Bürger gegen die UBS bzw. gegen die Finma kaum mehr Erfolg haben. Heikler ist allerdings die Frage, ob das Urteil des Bundesgerichts nun die US-Justizbehörden animieren könnte, im kürzlich bekanntgewordenen Verfahren gegen die Credit Suisse mehr Druck zu machen, um auf diese Weise – in Umgehung der Amtshilfe und ohne Umwege über weitere Gerichtsverfahren – zu Bankdaten zu kommen. Klar ist: Ohne Rückendeckung durch den Bundesrat wäre eine erneute Datenherausgabe durch die Finma unzulässig.
switzerland, strong franc, buy ur car abroad


interview to mr gysi on abgeltungssteur , germany , fishing expedition. by the way, gysi was appointed on march 2011 at the snb board replacing konrad hummler. thanks hildbrand. continues w/ artcile by peter morf on swiss page on details of state secretary international finance michael embuehl w/ germany agreement under attack now by sp oppostion cause like an amnesty. switzerland pay chf 2 bio collected w/ a bank levy!
ansteckung, contagion, editoriaL FUW
chf pegegd to eur, peg rumors invert the trend , finally, rumors, rumors, snb and hilderbrand understood that rethroic is an important war tool. yuppi!
Peter bernholz, economic prof basel, specialist of currency history, in favor of peg, disocunt rate @ 0% increases balance sheet liquidity to chf 120 bio, swaps operations to fight appreciation.
peter morf,applauds the snb intervention ( was there any or was it simple words?) and warns against public spending indicating it wrongly as the cause of recession while suggesting that there is no solution to market liberalisation, sic, the paradox of switzerland! the stock market adjusted will the domestic economy follow? impossible, there would be social wars.
chflibor in negative territory, zkb changes tones and declares no interest rates increase sic david marmet, no currency targets, only highlight is threat of recession in switzerland

zurich insured its total stocks w/ 2.2% of the portfolio!

china vcurrency appreciated to 6.4 vs usd , not seen sinvce 1994 , wow duds , what r u up to?

kenneth rogoff blasts debt as hindering growth
canada experience after lsing triple a and recovering soon after
german utilities and withdrawal from nuclear
preter bernholz, prof basel, specialised in currency history , makes it clear , snb lacked the guts, ideas and will to enact a coherent policy to defend the chf, a reflection of its president philippe hildebrand who prefers to attend international conferences for lobbying rather than doing the dirty job in bern.he did not anything control the expectations on chf. this happened in 1970s w/ president leutwyler following leo schuerman proposal and setting negative rates and eventiually forex intervention. according to chris woods from clsa however this would not work and stands for nhegative rates . nota bene , chris woods is just bull sheeter abt switzerland

real estate speculation in CH , not really according 2 sarasin bank specialist who states that funding costs for inevstors= 5%. really but where did u come up with this figure ? further, interesting point, finma, snb and gvmnt set up advisor comittee , self regulartory banking rules should not benefit owners.

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