Friday, August 19, 2011


austria and netherlands ask collateral 4 loans 2 greece
sarkozy, gaullist cure fails 2 impress, barroso eu commission failkure, it took a back seat, national gvmnts on charge, clumsy efforts 2 create a
economic gvmnt w/ ad hoc institutions which do not breach the european treaty

belgium minister proposes eurobonds in exch of economic gvmnt enshrined in constitution
fera that us econom stalling bcs w/ insufficient speed losing traction and falling as an aircraft uncapable of taking off,
like gvmnt stalemate, truth is aircraft still on the runway and if no inflation then what do u do w/
monetary policy, pump it up. analogy w/ 2d term of roosevelt before entering war, recession kiked inw/ republicans callinbg 4
balanced budget

following google motoroala, is rimm twice its value?

anna harare a threat 2 democracy , sic pm singh,negotiating terms w/ parliament 4 anti corruption rules, spectacular development

ussr analysis
ancient greeks help explain the rioting of London, refreing 2 incohate rage beneathour global cities + ft series the squeezed middle, mind abt soirit and watch less
amy , kate or khardazian appetite 4 lust , rioters were motivated by material gain, ie celecrity status as a benchmark unleashes violent instincts, celebrity seeking was
a realuty show as w/ police confrontation mutated in greek self esteem , spirit quest, recipee btw appetite and spirit quest lies reason, modusrebus agaton akatos, this is the real challenge
in this fast shifting structure that reached its critical limit ( see napoleon theory on critical points and kant preoccupation on french revolution as well as black swan theory
in 1st crisis and structural change in this one, theora of science)

funny anecdote, londion looting had no equal in lagos , south african gvmnt issued a travel warning , decline of western influence more evident in africa itself, where russians, turks, chinese and brazilians
r making business while western democracies remain largetzs donors trying to lecture poor africans on democracy and governance

Art is so often a tug of war between the accidental and the predetermined. And so often – hurrah for happenstance –
the first is victorious. Self-importance and self-consciousness can pass into dust. The most beautiful,
touching things can frequently be the least “worked”: a passing phrase in music, a painter’s unthought brushstroke . .

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