Tuesday, August 23, 2011


salomon lerner behind humsala in peru
US chamber of commerce supported bank bail out+800 bio stimulus package, now 4 spendiong cuts, iun favoir only of infrastructure programs backed by gvmnt, what is their stance with Romey , Perry and tea party radicals dangerous stance?
article on rare earth materials, environment rules push up prices, interesting map
french wealthy tax, l'oreal and total de margiere join buffet for tax on wealthy. sarkozy elections approaching, concertation and timing r impressive, not all wealthy agree on recipee 2 reduce government edficit
J Sachs reply to the FT, following his article^: scandinavian countries are the example tio follow, investment in skills, infrastructure,environment and equalitarian affirmative action policies 2 counterbalance excessive disparity and business power,whereas usa plutocracy increases gap btw rich and poor w/ federal power in the hands of rich.
dewen sharma stepping down as s&p president
notebook Jamil Anderlini, chinese netizens not surpised that PLO army players stomp on innocent American students , basket match finished 64-64, which means June 4 June 4, date of Tienanmen massacre. Authoritan unpolished behavior w/ journalists and diplomatic staff as well kicked out form the rpess room while London riots are a new cult 4 chinese state tv which bans all other domestic violent images.

deven sharma steps down, pitty , he should have done it after hearings at the congress that could highlight his biased political views pumped by anti colonialist spirit againt the white man

bad loans rise in india banks,
ft line, merkel call right, fix first domestic budgets , launch later eurobonds, usual EU institutional problem underlined,

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