Monday, August 29, 2011


international accounting standards ias criticises accounting rules for greek bond losses b european banks
china and island, turn picke for asian cargos with antartic melting down?
alan kruger next economic adviser of obama, inequality and wages background preludes to labor economics , see lex and 1970s unemployment figures from 1 in 1976 to 6% in 19885 in oecd countries= structural problem
lagarde imf chief starts very well as she did w/ safrkozy when she defended paris as the new financial capital of the world competing w london. she criticises european banks ignoring stress tests and forcing rehn and trichet to come to rescue of belaguered financial institutions
brown lloyd james , best man of john lennon and gaddafi family advisor, engineered vogue profile of syrian first lady, luxury reigns over western magazines

uk ch agreement criticised since accounts will be closed and transferred as in the German deal before may 2013, deadline agreed

frivolities such as legal challenge of egrman courts against greece rewscue package are discussed. remember germany bundesbank racist book, it was to be expected.

gideon rachamn, political world in turmoil w/ rising inequalities howevr america keep protests out of the street in2 official representation circuit. Why ? No answer, just praise.
maurice levy, tax resident of switzerland joins warren buffet 2 ask 4 the rich top mpay more taxes, then poorer will endure reforms to revive growth. u r understtimating racaille factor , have u ver been in paris outskirts while u were enjoying fiscal exile in gstaadt?

irene is over, damage less, nature analogy, violent market turmoils similar 2 disrupted clinate change, r we in a new age?

risk appettite revives w/ consumer figures, chf down, finally, chf is not financial platform of 70s 80s.

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